Due to the high safety factor, polyethylene pipes for gas supply are a good option for gas transmission, which are used in gas supply industries.
Gas polyethylene pipes, like water pipes, classified as HDPE (High Density) type, which are produced in two grades PE80 and PE100 and using for gas transmission in gas supply systems. Due to the safety sensitivity of gas transmission, one of the most important reasons for choosing these pipes in the gas supply industry is their high pressure tolerance and high safety factor of these pipes. Also, due to the elasticity feature of the polyethylene pipe, the use of this pipe for gas supply prevents large explosions and casualties. Gas polyethylene pipes are produced in sizes from 25 to 225 mm.
Polyethylene gas supply pipes are produced according to the International Standard EN1555 and the National Standards INSO11233 and IGS-MPL-014. The dimensional specifications of the gas supply pipes are according to the below table.